2. What has the experience been like? My experience has been awesome so far! I had NEVER done anything to do with tech theatre before coming to BoarsHead and I've learned a lot! The interns, or Second Company Members, build the sets for every mainstage show, hang and focus all the lights, operate the lighting and sound boards, assistant stage manage, for at least one production, participate in educational programs for kids of all ages, and plan, produce, act, and direct dark night shows. I learn something new every day!
3. What made you choose Lily Tomlin’s show to perform for your dark night? I decided to do Lily Tomlin's show for my Dark Night because I have always wanted to do a one-woman show and Lily's is probably the best one out there. It's fun, thought-provoking, and extremely witty. Not only is it a challenge to perform, but the material itself challenges the audience. I love having the opportunity to make people laugh and think at the same time!
4. What is your favorite line from the show? My favorite line from the show is "reality is nothing more than a collective hunch." So true!
5. What do you enjoy most about theatre? The aspect of theater I enjoy the most is performing, although working at the theater has introduced me to other aspects I would also like to pursue. Writing, dramaturgy, and stage managing are three areas of theater I would like to learn more about.
6. What do you dislike about theatre? I'm not sure what I dislike most about theater. There isn't any aspect of it that I absolutely loathe, but there are areas I find particulalry challenging. Light hang, for example, scares the crap out of me. I'm always afraid I'm going to drop a heavy instrument and end up injuring myself or someone else. The same goes for handling certain power tools in the shop like the dreaded router, for example. Everytime I use that thing I either get sparks flying at me or the bit breaks off. And to be frank, me with power tools in general is a dangerous thing
7. What comes easy to you about working in theatre? Good question. I'm still learning, but at this point I would say that performing comes the most easily to me. I feel more confident onstage than I do working backstage, although I'm getting better.
8. What is more difficult for you? Anything to do with lighting is the most difficult aspect of theater I have dabbled in thus far. Scary, scary, scary...
9. Any plans after Boarshead? I don't have any concrete plans for after BoarsHead, but I do know that I plan on finishing my degree and moving out of Michigan to hopefully purse theater elsewhere in a climate more conducive to my health.
10. Dream role for you? My dream role has always been Scarlett in Gone With the Wind. Sadly that will never happen...I'm blonde and have no boobs.
11. What have you learned about people from your experiences in theatre? I have observed vast differences in personalities between actors and technicians during my time at BoarsHead. My experience here (in general) is that actors tend to be more needy and less independent than tech people. They also of course love to be the center of attention. Techies tend to be more independent, have better problem solving skills, and are content to fade into the background. Two very different types of people - both essential to the theater process.
12. Why is theatre important to the community? Theater is important to the community because it teaches people more about themselves and the human condition. It challenges us to think critically about ourselves and the world around us.
13. Why is theatre important to you? Theater is important to me because I feel like it is my bridge to the outside world. I can make a difference in people's lives by bringing theater to life.
15. Why should people come see “Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe” at the Boarshead? People should come see "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe" because I said so. And because Bruce said so too. No, actually, I think people should come to hear Jane Wagner's incredible insights about the world as we know it. She explores many of the questions we all have about life, reality, and humanity. There's a little bit of something for everyone!
1 comment:
I want to leave a comment, if just because there's a general lack of them on your blog for some reason and I want to rectify that. Yes, everyone should come see this show! Not just because the script is so witty and intelligent, but because Kellie is doing a truly amazing job that will make you laugh and give you goosebumps! And it's FREE! (donations gratefully accepted)
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