Friday, January 9, 2009

I bet Carol Ferris could finish the quote..."Your mother was a hamster..."

1. What was the very first show you worked on - and were you in it, or working back stage?
I played Ginger in “Time Out for Ginger” in junior high school. After that I was hooked and managed to be in at least one show every year throughout high school and college. Three of those shows were at Okemos Barn Theatre.

2. What is it that you enjoy about being on stage?
I love making an audience laugh. There’s almost nothing better than that!

3. What is it that you enjoy about being back stage?
The teamwork; watching a production grow from day one. I’d never tried backstage work until a few years ago when I was asked to help with props for Lansing Civic Players’ production of “Annie.” Since then I’ve done props or set dressing - sometimes both - for seven shows at Riverwalk. It’s amazing when you realize how many local actors also have great talent in the technical side of theatre and, likewise, how many theatre techies are also veteran actors.

4. Tell us about yourself - anything you'd like to share!
In 1970 I married Tom Ferris; I worked for many years in newspaper advertising and later in school public relations; we raised a son. I returned to acting with a small part in “Anne of Green Gables.” Last year, no one was more surprised than I was when I won a Thespie for the role of Willie Mae Nettles in Riverwalk’s “The Sugar Bean Sisters.” Most people don’t know that when I’m not thinking about theatre, I’m a hard-core political junkie. Needless to say, this past year has been an exciting one. Last fall I spent way too much time online looking at polling data and reading political blogs.

5. So you are working on "Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure" - what are you doing for the show?
I’m designing props for a very prop-heavy production. Working with Addiann Hinds, who used to design props for Boarshead, has been a great pleasure! We’ve agonized over getting things as accurate as possible. It’s required a lot of research by both cast and crew.There are so many Sherlock Holmes fans out there who know what to look for. They won’t be disappointed in this show’s great cast. Kevin Burnham and Terry Jones make a fabulous Holmes/Watson team.

6. Have you ever given any thought to directing or co-directing? If so, what show would you like to direct, if you could pick anything?
I don’t think I’d enjoy directing very much. It’s too much hard work! I’d rather scout out a great script and then try to convince a good friend or family member to direct it.

7. What makes theatre important to you?
It’s a crazy, wonderful community. There’s a place for everyone, if you’re willing to work. It’s where I hang out with my family and friends.

8. Do you have a favorite genre?
Dark comedy, satire, even screwball comedy - I’m a huge Monty Python fan.

9. What draws you to a play - what are some plays/musicals you really enjoy, and some you really don't?
I’m often drawn to Lansing-area productions because I know and appreciate the talent of individual actors and directors. That’s sometimes more important to me than the script or the theatre company. I love it when friends I’ve come to see in shows manage their roles so well that I forget who they are. As for theatre I DON’T like - I actively avoid the recent crop of Broadway musicals based on movies, tv shows, or Disney themepark attractions. You know the ones I mean. (I will make an exception for Monty Python and the Holy Grail.)

Quick Questions:

1. Favorite experience ON stage:
It would have to be playing Willie Mae Nettles in “The Sugar Bean Sisters” at Riverwalk. What a hoot it was to work alongside that great comedienne, Jane Zussman.

2. Favorite experience BACK stage:
My best backstage experience was dressing the “Sugar Bean Sisters” set. For that show, I managed to cram half the contents of Riverwalk’s prop loft into the Nettles sisters’ attic.

3. Favorite line from any show?
“Time passes. Listen. Time passes.” - from “Under Milkwood”

4. Favorite lyric from any song?
Our house, is a very, very, very fine house.
With two cats in the yard,
Life used to be so hard,
Now everything is easy ‘cause of you.
- Crosby, Stills and Nash

5. If you could PLAY any role, what would your dream role be?
My dream roles have changed over the years, of course. Looking ahead, I’d love to be cast as Miss Daisy in “Driving Miss Daisy.”

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