LeAnn Dethlefsen
1. Tell us a little about yourself, and if you are seen mostly on stage, or prefer to remain behind the scenes...or do you dabble both on and off stage? I dabble in both.
2. What was your first theatre experience? My first theatre experience (that I remember) was at 4 years old when I went to see a production of Oklahoma at Eastern High School. My brother was playing Curly. I begged my mom to take me to every performance, at 4 I was hooked!
3. What keeps you interesting in pursuing theatre? I love the people, the experiences. I once told a fellow actor that the stage is safe, the stage is home.
4. Favorite role - that you've done or would like to do? I would really like to stretch a bit and grab a chance at playing some classic female roles.
5. Why is theatre important to the community? My kids grew up around theater and the arts. I believe it is an extension of their basic education. I think theater makes us think, forget, and remember, all at the same time.
Quick Questions:
1. What three people have influenced you the most in your theatre experience?
My husband, Rick. I learn so much from him about character development and being true to the play. He never changes his beliefs of a character based on what others (critics) may say, I admire that.
Marilyn Steegstra. She gave me my first lead role at the age of 14. What a wonderful teacher.
Other area directors and actors. I learn something from something in every show I do.
2. Favorite line of any show? From the Odd Couple: You leave little notes on my pillow. Told you a-hundred-fifty-eight times I cannot stand little notes on my pillow. "We are all out of cornflakes. F.U." Took me three hours to figure out "F.U." was Felix Ungar. I laugh like crazy anytime I hear it!
3. Best show you've been in? This is not a fair questions. That being said, All My Sons directed by Mary Job for MSU Summer Circle, WOW!
4. Worst show you've been in? Forgot the title...
5. Any words of wisdom you'd like to share with people who either are new to the theatre community, or else don't know much about it in general? Watch and learn. Go with your instincts. Answer a director giving notes with a simple, "thank-you."
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